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Lugar: SDQ, Bcn, Dominican Republic


Mosquitoes: Sexual Libido

El otro día hablando con una persona a la que le tengo mucho aprecio y que le agrazdeco a Dios habérmela puesto en mi camino, al menos por unas semanitas. La verdad es que vivimos un poco lejos porque ella está en Suecia y yo por el momento en República Dominicana. I know we will meet again one day.

Well, el punto es que le estaba diciendo mientras hablaba con ella que los mosquitos tenían un open bar conmigo y que tenía que irme de aquí para un sitio donde no me picaran y por eso iba a tener que cerrarle la ventana del msn porque de verdad que me estaban desangrando ya. Entonces ahí viene la historia y me dice: ¨Hey you know something before you leave like once I did against myself.¨ Yo como que WHAT? Entonces me dió un dato que no conocía pero que, a pesar que los mosquitos me lo recuerden cada día ahora me siento un poco orgulloso; bueno en verdad fueron dos datos. El segundo que también significo mucho para míi fue que me dijo: ¨Honestly I ended up my relationship with you and I better prefered to be friends with you, rather than kept the hope alive and never see you in years, but I swear I didn´t wanna leave. And I hate the day I walked away from your life as a woman for you. Anyways, that wasn´t what I wanted to tell you.¨

Yo todavía como que desubicado, pero si no era eso entonces qué era lo que me quería decir. Aquí le di un copy/paste a la conversation de messenger.

Her: ¨Now you brought this to the conversation about the mosquitoes´ bites. The other I read that people (like you) who gets so many mosquitoes´ bites is because these people have a very high sexual libido.And in my opinion is so true. Cause you´re the first guy who really made me feel loved in bed. My other experiences were like ¨Lets get laid and nice to know you.¨ And I admire from you that passion you bring on every kiss, every caress, every touch you gave. And it wasn´t just sex it was more than that, you were very devoted to me in those moments. You made me feel the most wanted, the most loved, you made me feel a complete woman. That´s why I never wanted to stop being with you, because your strong beliefs in eroticism, because it´s like a whole religion for you, you´re even poetic when you move. And I will always thanks God for the days you were between my legs I know it was a blessed from heaven. And thank you for staying that night staring at me at that bar. Now I really understand why you love so much Barcelone. I really love it too, cause you were there when I was not even thinking about meeting someone, I have more than one reason to visit that city: is YOU. Thank you Manuel for letting me know you and after all you´re still my friend and I know I can trust in you. Hope to see you in person very soon. At least the tech is letting me survive and knowing I will find you every day I sign in.¨


Blogger Libélula said...

Damn!!! Sorry, no sé que más decir...I am speechless...

29/10/05 00:10  
Blogger Vicz said...

Am blushing... damn...

I can only hope one day a woman tells me that too...

Manu, sorry ke no te respondi la traduccion que necesitabas en MSN, pero veo que la obtuviste...

yatusabe - cogelo easy!

29/10/05 00:47  
Blogger Kiki A.Ortiz said...



told ya lo q yo pensaba q tu vives cada segundito de eso

muy apero

29/10/05 21:12  
Blogger Teacher Yorch said...


bien por ti Manu!

Tienes q ejercitar eso aqui para q crezca la fama . . . vamos a hacerte un fan-base por este blog. Tu vera ! Yo se como hacerlo!

29/10/05 23:16  
Blogger Manu Under Her Skirt said...

Dude!! Y cuándo comenzamos con el fan-base then??

Tu sabe que tú vas hacer en parte mi manager....

29/10/05 23:21  
Blogger *-. aliCe .-* said...

ey eso te sirve pa los dias grises, en k timidez overcomes you o no te sientes so good about yourself y piensas... damn pero mira lo k fulanita me dijo esa vez por messenger heh.

im impressed :)

7/11/05 19:29  

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