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Lugar: SDQ, Bcn, Dominican Republic


Dreams II: Music

¨I want my music to be heard by a few and be unknown by the rest of the world.¨ Robert Smith

That said Robert Smith when he began with his ¨craziness¨ music project called The Cure. Well basically that´s the dream I have too. And to be honest I hope not to come true, cause to Mr Smith happened exactly the contrary of what he was wishing. Now his music´s influenced the whole world, they´ve been a school for the ¨i-wanna-sound-different¨ in music. And to be honest, it´s hard to sound like them, even his voice is peculiar.

But my blog is not about Mr Smith, this blog is to talk about my dreams. And one of them (almost the most important): Music. My music, still the music unknown for the rest of the world, sometimes even by me, cause I still want to materialized those melodies, those harmonies. I´ve got the courage to make this happen, I believe this will different. You make me keep fighting for this. I ´m just doing this because of you, and all these melodies will be revealed sooner or later. Sooner will be the one. I still need some tools, some good arrangements cause this not gonna be the typical trial and error in the music market. I know I´ve been saying this for a long time, but finally I can see my ideas coming along, emerging from the bottom of my soul, heart, mind, body and even my pores. I´ve been composing new things these days, new styles, new lyrics, new ideas, rhythms, new hook ups. It´s been very inspiring everything I´m living in all these days. I´ve got a completely agenda of everything that I´ve got to do, names, pictures, how-to-look ideas, how must it sound. And maybe, well maybe, I won´t be accepted in my own country, but just maybe. I won´t stay here doing the same, with the same dirty ¨contest¨ for the musical field.

I won´t betray all those who are believing in my talent and they will be the first in listen to my projects. So, I won´t stay quiet waiting for something to happen, I will make it happen.

I deserve what I´m dreaming....

¨Sin música, la vida sería un error¨ (la mía seguro)


Blogger Libélula said...

Oh my God!!! That quote...Nietzsche, right??? I use it all the time. For me, music is an essential part of any day...

14/10/05 00:00  
Blogger Kiki A.Ortiz said...

*la vida es sueño* chulisimo q uno de tus sueños sea esto...y bueno es tu vida,va a pasar mientras lo quieras tu,pq tu vida esta pasando y van a pasar tus sueños..tienes q esperar los momentos como este donde estan llegando mejor y mas claro las cosas que quieres hacer y como a tu cabeza eso quiere decir q es el tiempo en q tenian q llegar...estamos esperando tu momento manu
suerte y DTB
(que te entiendan mejor a que te entiendan mas)

14/10/05 01:37  
Blogger anonymous said...

lo senti, lo senti como la verdad, que eso va a pasar, yo no se pk pero your musical dream me da un good vibe, de que va a resulta bien y leer esto me puso completamente feliz. Pk yo lo veo como que pa ti its more than a dream, e tu realidad, que tu ta trabajando por construir. Na yo tengo un par de oidos pa cuando eso te ahi =)

14/10/05 04:23  

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