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Lugar: SDQ, Bcn, Dominican Republic


Serpentine & Pulp Series

I was abandoned from all and remote caress...

But then your nudity was made from darks memoirs and you covered me with the arms of your darkness

And all the sound I could hear was your absence


Blogger alfonso said...

hit it againg

20/1/08 16:37  
Blogger Patricia M. Santana Nina said...

I found someone who can write as sensual as you do...only difference is that I belong to him... Would you read him...Trato de animarlo para que no deje de escribir...Creo que serías excelente crítico. Su blog es reyesmariposasyaceitunas.blogspot.com

1/3/08 02:18  
Blogger *-. aliCe .-* said...

en verdad me identifico con el post =x

19/10/08 06:27  

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